An Australian e-Health Strategy - The Outline

As the sole reader (nod to of this blog is aware I have been saying for a while now that Australia is being badly short changed by the lack of a coherent national e-health strategy and implementation plan to frame and put in context both NEHTA and the various State and Commonwealth initiatives.

While developing relatively more comprehensive documentation for publication initially in a different forum, it has occurred to me that what I feel is required can be very simply summarised. In summary what is needed is a two prong approach :

1. The NEHTA work plan to be supported and advanced and where possible and useful increased investment made. In saying this I am recognising that NEHTA will not deliver much of practical use until 2008/9 by its own estimation and that NEHTA will need to operate for a good deal longer (in perpetuity actually) and that reaching its apparent goals may take a good deal longer than a “transition” timeframe.

2. There should be a separate national initiative to get in place nationwide proven health information systems that are known, already to be both practical and to make a real difference to the quality and safety of health care delivery.

I see there are five areas such an initiative should cover.

a. General Practice and relevant office based Specialists should be encouraged and provided with incentives to obtain and use advanced ambulatory EHR systems with sophisticated Clinical Decision Support.

b. Secure Clinical Messaging should be established between Laboratories, Radiology Practices, Hospitals and GPs with documents to be exchanged to include discharge summaries, specialist letters and pathology and radiology reports (and maybe images)

c. Public and Private Hospitals should all implement appropriate clinical and patient management systems including Clinical Physician Order Entry, Nursing Documentation and Medication Management using “closed loop” drug administration control.

d. Health Insurers and Medicare should offer their clients Personal Electronic Health Records where individual can record important health information for use, by those they authorise, in their care.

e. There should be a concerted push by the Commonwealth to establish appropriate disease pattern incidence and monitoring systems for monitoring epidemic disease outbreaks and bioterrorism.

All this is totally feasible today using commercially available and in some cases ‘open source’ software. The only block to major progress in the short term and a better long term future is a strategic vision and the appropriate funds. The paralytic inactivity of the Commonwealth in not setting such an proven and doable agenda is a public scandal I believe.

This is all so obvious I am alarmed some one did not think of it ages ago!



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