Report Watch – Week of 27 April, 2009

Just an occasional post when I come upon a few interesting reports that are worth a download or browse. This week we have a few.

First we have a book:

Telehealth in the Developing World

Edited by

Richard Wootton

Scottish Centre for Telehealth, Aberdeen, UK;
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Nivritti G Patil

University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Richard E Scott

University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada

Kendall Ho

University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

The book is accessible here:

Well worth a browse.

Second we have:

E-Health Intelligence Report - 21 April 2009

eHealth Worldwide

:: Canada's e-health journey and HIMSS Analytics' Canada Information and Communications Technology Study (2009 - Healthc Q.) NoFull Text

In spring 2007, HIMSS Analytics began developing its first Canada Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Study. Less than one year later, 38 RHAs, DHAs and HAs are already on board, with some 20 more scheduled to participate by year's end. Why are so many Canadian provincial healthcare delivery organizations now participating in HIMSS Analytics' Canada ICT Study? The answer is tied to the character of the HIMSS study, the value offered to all participants and specific Canadian healthcare issues that are addressed by the study.

More found here:

and the previous edition here:

Both these have some great stuff.

Third we have:

Why Your E-Health Records Need First Aid

Robert Langreth, 04.23.09, 03:10 PM EDT

Hospital records are one thing, but online personal medical records are still a work in progress.

Software marketer and kidney cancer survivor Dave deBronkart thought he was being smart when he downloaded his health records from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston into his account at Google Health, a new site that promises to help patients control their personal health records online.

What happened next dismayed him. Google ( GOOG - news - people ) told him he suffered from numerous conditions he never had, including brain metastases, aortic aneurysm and a stroke. It turned out that the data from Beth Israel that Google was using to construct the diagnosis list included insurance claims, which are notoriously imprecise. "The data that arrived in Google Health was essentially unusable," deBronkart concluded in his blog in early April.

More here:

If you visit this page there are links to a whole section of seven articles discussing the Road to Health IT

Fourth we have:

Most hospitals lack in quality, cost-effectiveness, Leapfrog survey shows

April 15, 2009 | Bernie Monegain, Contributing Editor

WASHINGTON – Most hospitals fail to achieve quality and cost effectiveness standards set by The Leapfrog Group, according to a survey Leapfrog released Wednesday.

"As the Obama administration and Congress consider healthcare reform options, it is clear we have a long way to go to achieve hospital quality and cost-effectiveness worthy of the nation's $2.3 trillion annual investment," said Leah Binder, CEO of Leapfrog, a healthcare watchdog organization. "According to our data, a majority of hospitals have significant safety and efficiency deficits."

"As the president has often stated, a reformed high value healthcare system needs to be cost-effective. Unfortunately, few hospitals are meeting Leapfrog's newly established efficiency measure standards – the first such data available in the public domain," said Binder.

More here:

Individual hospital results can be viewed and compared with other hospitals at

Fifth we have:

How Health Plans Could Benefit From Health IT

Les Masterson, for HealthLeaders Media, April 17, 2009

Hospitals and physicians will spend many hours over the next two years researching and implementing electronic health records to take advantage of the $36 billion slated for health IT in the stimulus law. While providers perform most of the heavy lifting, another healthcare segment might actually benefit more from better health information exchanges.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Research Institute's released a report Rock and a Hard Place: An Analysis of the $36 Billion Impact From Health IT Stimulus Funding this week that focused mostly on how the stimulus law's health IT money would affect providers, but one sentence tucked in the report highlights the possibilities for health plans.

"With billions in new funding and government regulations, the health IT market will balloon far beyond the provider segment, providing new opportunities for health plans, pharma companies, and other vendors," wrote PricewaterhouseCoopers.

More here (Registration Required):

Report link is in the text.

Sixth we have:

Report Tracks State Health I.T. Efforts

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers has published "Profiles of Progress 3: State Health IT Initiatives." It is an updated summary of where each state stands with government led or designated efforts to implement health I.T. and interoperable health information exchanges.

More here:

The report is available at

Last we have:

Data Breach Notification Law Across the World from California to Australia

Alana Maurushat, University of New South Wales

Download the Paper | Tell a Colleague | Printing Tips

Article comments

This article was originally published in Privacy Law and Business International (February, 2009). This paper may also be referenced as [2009] UNSWLRS 11.


Data breach notification and disclosure laws are emerging around the globe. The following article and table examine the specifics of data breach notification frameworks in multiple jurisdictions. Over the year of 2008, Alana Maurushat of the Cyberspace Law and Policy Centre, with research assistance from David Vaile and student interns Renee Watts, Nathalie Pala, Michael Whitbread, Eugenie Kyung-Eun Hwang and David Chau, compiled the data. The table represents a detailed survey of data breach disclosure requirements in 25 countries, conducted by surveying those current or proposed statutory or similar instruments setting out the nature and conditions of such requirements to give notice. The Centre hopes that the table will be useful to compare and contrast elements of data breach notification schemes. The researchers at the CLPC will research the effectiveness of such schemes in future projects.

More here:

Link to report in text.

So much to read – so little time – have fun!



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