An Interesting Question To Contemplate. Does NEHTA Have Any Grasp of Commercial Reality?

A correspondent has just pointed out a very interesting quote from NEHTA in the Article in The Australian on 17/1/2012.
“Vendors "looking at different investment opportunities or where you can maximise your return, if you want to be early to market I'd encourage you to get involved in user- acceptance testing". Those looking to launch product sets between July and December should attend the masterclasses, he said.”
This is the last paragraph of the article which is found here:
PCEHR investing opportunities or maximising returns? How exactly does that work as they say?
As my correspondent wrote:
“- Investment opportunity?
- Maximise your return?
- Early to market?
I think all vendors understand what these words mean - do NEHTA and DOHA?
As we all know.
-Patients aren't going to have to pay for PCEHR access.
-GP's and specialists aren't going to pay extra for PCEHR features in their software.
-The government is explicitly turning off the tap on July 1.
As I am asked - and I have not a clue or the remotest idea of the “answer’
“Is there some other magic money fairy ready to bestow cash on the PCEHR vendors? What exactly is the market - and if the entire premise for why vendors are involved is because of this market - I presume there will be next to no vendor involvement (other than those from wave 1 and 2)?”
The answer is, as far as we all have been told, NO and to be more emphatic one gets the sense the position is ‘not a chance”!
It is transparently clear from this the NEHTA / DoHA axis are just ‘blowing smoke’ and have no idea what the words actually mean!
What a staggering appalling joke!


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