An Upcoming Workshop On Benefits Management In Health IT - Late February 2013.

Workshop Objective.
To understand how to manage the benefits of health IT and the fact that this depends on understanding the dynamics of learning to improve health systems.
There are places available for the 2 day and 5 day workshop in Sydney.
The title is: Dynamic Modelling: What, Why and How? Examples from New Technology Adoption, Infectious Disease and Health Care.
Two world expert practitioners and trainers Nate Osgood, ex MIT, and Andrei Borshchev, from St Petersburg, will be visiting from 18th to 26th  Feb. They specialise in combining different dynamic modelling methods including Discrete event, System Dynamics and Agent Based Simulation in Health and other Industries. There is a 2 day overview or a 5 day practical training option, and a likely choice modelling workshop the following week (Mon 25th and Tues 26th). The current details (including a downloadable flyer and online registration link) are on a temporary wiki page at
Please email  for further details
Seems to me that this may be very interesting for many in both the private and public sector - especially those involved in policy formulation and leadership.
I do hope you and your colleagues can attend this exciting event.


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