The following very fresh little tit-bit has just darkened my door.
I am sure the cover page will be of interest.

Much more fun however is the Draft Concept of Operations Diagram.

Having a close look (click to enlarge) it is clear that the recent blogs have been pretty close to the mark.
As predicted we have an indexing service, and access control service and a presentation service.
What is also interesting are the areas marked Lead, Release 1(R1) and Release 2 (R2).
It becomes clear that by July, 2012 that the lead and R1 is hoped to be operational - just - and that R2 will follow a good deal later and incrementally.
It is worth noting the Personal Health Records don’t happen until R2 and that there will be precious little that most who register for a PCEHR will access for a good few years.
Also note that NEHTA, like a dog with a bone, still has a Shared EHR - despite all the issues we have explored regarding this recently.
For years after 2012 the act of registration will be just that and nothing more. This is just an enormous hoax being played on consumers under political pressure.
My view, discussions on all this should be happening in public and be exposed to decent scrutiny.
It is just astonishing that this 80 page document devotes only a page or two to international experiences in this area. They are really determined to replicate the mistakes the rest of the world has made it would seem!
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