Got this earlier today via e-mail
Have your say - PCEHR Inquiry
Survey responses due Friday 22nd November 5pm EDST
The Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA) and the Health Information Management Association of Australia (HIMAA) invite you to respond to this survey.
Federal Health Minister, the Hon Peter Dutton, has recently announced a review of Australia's Personally Controlled Electronic Health Records (PCEHR) program. There is no call for public submissions, with submission being by invitation only. HISA & HIMAA have been invited to respond to the inquiry.
To facilitate your ability to provide input into the review, we have produced a survey and invite your response. We will draw from your responses to submit a response on your behalf.
The survey is open to all and we encourage you to not only make a personal contribution, but to pass on this email to others in your networks and encourage them to participate.
The survey will take only approx. 15-20 minutes to complete.
----- End E-mail
This link will get you there to do the survey - worth doing I reckon
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