IHE Workshop Announcements - Care Co-Ordination Profile Development – December 2009

Posted on behalf of Jon Hilton for Information of Readers.

Introductory Note.

IHE Australia is taking the lead in proposing a new international standard profile focusing on Patient Care Coordination for Chronic Disease, and Electronic Referral. This builds on work done to date by HISA and IHE Australia members, HL-7 Australia and others and is establishing Australia as an international leader in this field.

You are cordially invited to participate in a workshop to further develop the profile. This is your opportunity to contribute to this exciting development, to learn more about the IHE process, and to learn more about the IHE XDS. I look forward to seeing you there,


Jon Hilton

HISA Board Member,

HISA Representative, IHE Australia Executive


Care Coordination and e-Referral - workshop

(December 9th – Sydney)

Sharing health records, images and communication – international case studies using

IHE Cross Enterprise Document Share (XDS) - seminar

(December 10th – Sydney)

Date: 9th & 10th December 2009

Time: 9am-5pm (East Australia Summer Time - Sydney)

Venue: NICTA

Address: Level 5, 13 Garden St, Eveleigh (near Redfern Station)

Cost: December 9th & 10th - $200

December 9th one day only - $50

Book Online: (via MSIA) http://www.msia.com.au/?pid=44

(Please note: enter your company name and address for invoice, and names and email addresses of those attending so we can provide meeting updates)

Workshop website:


Meeting background:

1. Care Coordination and e-Referral

These are common processes in healthcare, yet involve many different groups of health providers, across different sectors (public/private), and have different but overlapping needs for health record sharing and process management.

IHE Australia has proposed an extension to the international Cross Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) interoperability profile to support care coordination processes. Further details are at the IHE Australia wiki.


This workshop will review the use-cases proposed and discuss technical solutions based on extending existing IHE profiles, while bringing in Australian experience with Hl7 referral messages and pioneering methods of managing care coordination in the community health sector.

Who should attend: Those involved in eHealth with focus on care co-ordination, healthcare communication and e-referrals, policy makers, standards developers and vendors.

Workshop resources: Jon Hilton, Chris Lindop

2. Sharing records and communication – international case studies using Cross Enterprise Document Share seminar

Since 2004 IHE has been progressively developing an architecture for standardised sharing of health records and diagnostic images using a non-proprietary decentralised federated architecture, known as Cross Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS for documents and XDS-I for images). This architecture is based on local document repositories, indexed in a regional registry, and retrieved by users, in response to a notification or as needed for patient care at a later time. In the case of images the document points to the location that images can be retrieved which may be the original PACS or a secondary repository. XDS uses both traditional messaging (e.g. HL7), and a standard set of “services” to manage patient and provider identities, locations, security, and record location and is now ‘web-service enabled”. All of this has been specified in detail in a series of implementation profiles and tested both in industry collaborative sessions (known as Connectathons) and also in the real world. This seminar will focus on how XDS has been used in international implementations

The majority of international vendors of eHealth and EHR systems have implemented and endorsed this model of health record sharing within their products. The concept of being able to manage health record sharing, starting at the regional level and building to achieve a state or national system in time by linking these standardised local approaches, is potentially very appealing both from a technical as well as from a policy perspective.

A recent interview with the Health Minister touched on shared EHR directions concluding that central models are unlikely to gather the funding and political support, and suggested that this problem be dealt with by relying on patient managed personal health records. While there are undoubted benefits of personal health records, this rather seems like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. IHE XDS provides a way of linking both models in a way which is currently technically feasible, delivers a scalable and flexible platform and can provide the information “glue” that will support the Australian patient centric model of shared public and private healthcare. This workshop will examine a series of real world implementations of the alternative approach to health record and image sharing based on IHE’s XDS profile. This workshop will look at the outcomes achieved, rather than a focus on the technical components, however from this perspective the technical factors that are influencing the success of this approach in a range of countries and regions will be highlighted.

Who should attend: Vendors, IT professionals, service providers, policy makers and health professional organisations, standards developers

For further information: see www.ihe.net.au or contact admin@ihe.net.au

Book to attend at http://www.msia.com.au/?pid=44

IHE Australia recognises the support of many organisations and individuals for this event including:

GE Healthcare




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