The Current Operational Plans For The PCEHR Fail The Sanity Test Badly and Shows That NEHTA and DoHA Reside in Some Alternate Universe!

(Note - click on images to enlarge)

As part of a Vendor Briefing NEHTA have provided some slides related to how they see the PCEHR working.

You can access the various files from this link:

In the view of the Operating Model we see in the top image the plan appears to be that an individual will access a Personally Controlled EHR (PCEHR) having registered and asked to do so.

This service will be via a portal. The security and authentication for individuals is not yet clear to me.

Interestingly the individual or their representatives will be in control of who can access their PCEHR and decides who else might.

In the bottom half of the we have the provider with their electronic record. For some reason the picture seems to be suggesting that the clinician will register for access to each individual PCEHR and then only be able to see what the patient deems to be appropriate. It is not clear why the clinician would bother to either access or update the individual’s PCEHR.

On the second slide we have a patient having a consultation with a clinician, reviewing the content of the summary record and authorising that to be uploaded to the PCEHR - presumably after the clinician has registered for access.

Unless there is a substantial fee attached to doing all this - the chance of this happening in our fee for items of service environment are two. Buckley’s and None with None being the most likely.

I really have not - especially with the experience of HealthELink behind us - seen thing near such a stupid plan.

Back to the drawing board guys - this dog simply will not hunt!



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